Master tailor stitches a new life as tailor to the stars

tailor例句·Youshouldtailoryourresumetoeachjobyouapplyfor.·Ourstaffcantailoraninsurancepolicythatperfectlymeetsyourneeds.,tailor·n.[C].(尤指男裝)裁縫師;(尤指男裝)服裝店·vt.裁製(衣服,衣料等)[O];修改;使合適[O]·vi.做裁縫 ...,6天前·apersonwh...。參考影片的文章的如下:


tailor (【動詞】) 意思、用法及發音

tailor 例句 · You should tailor your resume to each job you apply for. · Our staff can tailor an insurance policy that perfectly meets your needs.


tailor · n.[C]. (尤指男裝)裁縫師;(尤指男裝)服裝店 · vt. 裁製(衣服,衣料等)[O];修改;使合適[O] · vi. 做裁縫 ...

Tailor Definition & Meaning - Merriam

6 天前 · a person whose occupation is making or altering garments (such as suits, jackets, and dresses) typically to fit a particular person.

Tailor to

To change, adapt, or customize something so as to be correct or ideal for a particular person, thing, group, or situation. Because the entire program is ...

tailor to your needs - 英中 - Linguee


tailor to是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)(英文)的問題

tailor to的意思a tailor = a person who makes clothing fit you perfectly to tailor = (verb) to make something fit.

tailor verb

​to make or adapt something for a particular purpose, a particular person, etc. Much of the software is supplied ready tailored for the user.


tailor 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯​ We tailor any of our products to your company's specific needs. 我們可以根據貴公司的特定需求定制產品。


tailor 在英語中的意思 ... to make or prepare something following particular instructions: We tailor any of our products to your company's specific needs.


詳盡釋義 · 做裁縫 · 修改;使合適;調整使適應 · 開服裝店 · 做衣服,縫製(衣服) · 供應服裝 · 製造,專門製作,訂做 · 提出,制定,擬定 · 適合,符合 ...


tailor例句·Youshouldtailoryourresumetoeachjobyouapplyfor.·Ourstaffcantailoraninsurancepolicythatperfectlymeetsyourneeds.,tailor·n.[C].(尤指男裝)裁縫師;(尤指男裝)服裝店·vt.裁製(衣服,衣料等)[O];修改;使合適[O]·vi.做裁縫 ...,6天前·apersonwhoseoccupationismakingoralteringgarments(suchassuits,jackets,anddresses)typicallytofitaparticularperson.,Tochange,adapt,orcustomizesomethingsoastobecor...